Ok, so it’s almost a single digit day countdown to Christmas, and I’ll bet you’re scrambling to finish your shopping, wrapping, cleaning, mailing, wrapping, cooking and let’s not forget cookie baking! This is my granddaughter Evie with her Mom strutting her cookie baking stuff last weekend: With a little “cookie dance” in between batches…. […]
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Transform “What’s For Dinner?” into “CAN’T WAIT FOR DINNER!”

Is the universal statement “What’s For Dinner?” striking almost daily terror into the heart of your busy schedule? Plus add to that your daily goal of putting together a healthy meal for you and your loved ones. Let’s even pile on further by pointing out the major inconvenience of unending days of unpredictably bad winter weather. This is […]
allium vegetables, berries, body composition, cruciferous vegetables, EPA/DHA Omega 3 Fatty Acids, epigenetics, flavor boosters, gut health foods, MyFitnessPal, nutrigenomics, Superfoods, whole grains and legumesFall is the Best Season to Recharge Your Health!

Every fall for me is truly a new opportunity to improve every aspect of my life! It must go back to those days of excitement as a student, starting a new grade in school, and then reliving those days when my kids started school, starting with a new beginning each time. Add to that the […]
berries, Brussels Sprouts, coconut milk, cruciferous vegetables, exercise, fall, grass-fed beef, inflammation, wild-caught salmonWhat Are SUPERFOODS???

What is the deal with the term SUPERFOODS? If you eat them can you leap tall buildings with a single bound? Or, does your brain have special powers, and you can actually read other people’s minds? Actually, the definition, per the Oxford dictionary is somewhat wishy-washy: a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially […]
berries, DNA, EPA/DHA, gut-health, kimchi, Legumes, Omega 3s, Superfoods, whole grainsBerry Brain

Berries are the most colorful and among the most potent antioxidant power punches you can throw. Think of it. The reason colorful plants, from deep green spinach to azure blueberries or deep purple blackberries, are so healthy is they grow in full sun, and must have amazing self protection so they don’t sunburn. The solar […]
antioxidents, berries, brain, healthy, organic, phytonutrients, polyphenolsBerry Brain Podcast
[private][/private] If you can’t access the podcast, consider becoming a HealthyU member! This premium level gives you total access to all content, including access to all podcasts, white papers (in-depth articles on some of our most oft-asked questions and provocative topics too), significant discounts on our Body of Health e-store solution, and most importantly, interactive […]
antioxidents, berries, brain, healthy, organic