I come to you all today with a heavy yet humble heart, asking you to stop and think about what we as a nation have been through this past year, what we are currently facing and what the future can hold for us. Don’t worry, this little blog is not calling out specifically anyone, anything or any […]
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Just to give you some perspective on pandemic outbreaks in history and how they were handled, this message was adopted in 1939 by the Brits in WWII, just in case Nazi occupation in Europe would turn into a reality in Britain: HOWEVER, the author of The Pandemic Century, Dr. Mark Honigsbaum traced the origin […]
antioxidant, Ben Shapiro, Beth Moore, caesar salad, decadent indulgences, emergency, gift, God, immune boosting meals, Mise en place, passion, protein packed breakfast, quarantine, Ravi Zacharias, sweet pepper, The Pandemic CenturyTime to Re-Think Your Humdrum Workout Routine? Try ACEing It!

Are you one of the millions that has vowed to make working out more of a regular routine in the New Year but you just can’t get yourself “off the couch” so to speak? Are you dreading this promise to yourself? Maybe one of these fits your workout deficits: *Too tough to […]
adaptive, aerobic, age, anti-depressant benefits, balance, BDNF, bicyclists, brain-booster, cardiovascular, cauliflower steaks, challenging, cognitive tests, connections, core strength movement, efficient, exercise, focused, Fountain of Youth, gift, gluttony trap, God, granddaughter, hippocampus, injured, injuries, injury, intentional, Journal of Physiology, memory, metabolic health, mind/body, Monte Cristo, neurons, neuroplasticity, Pelaton, public health crisis, reflexes, Sammi Gregory Fitness, Scientific American, weightliftingHome Sprinkled With Health For The Holidays

I know it’s December 10th, just 2 weeks before Christmas Eve and I shouldn’t really even take the time to write this blog to you because I’m REALLY behind this year! Randy and I are celebrating Christmas early this year (this weekend) with our kids and I don’t really have a clue what they all […]
cardio, Christmas, ghrelin, God, gratitude, healthy, holiday binges, holidays, leptin, sleep, stress, weight lifting