What is it about this time of year? The fall season with it’s dip in temperature accompanying a breath-taking leaf display: Jubilant leaf pile diving activities (😊): AND promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to come where we see our friends and family! But there’s another factor we must address today, our health! I know we all […]
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MIND Grub You Can Love!

Ok, so it’s almost a single digit day countdown to Christmas, and I’ll bet you’re scrambling to finish your shopping, wrapping, cleaning, mailing, wrapping, cooking and let’s not forget cookie baking! This is my granddaughter Evie with her Mom strutting her cookie baking stuff last weekend: With a little “cookie dance” in between batches…. […]
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, beans, berries, brain, cruciferous vegetables, DASH diet, fiber, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Legumes, Mediterranean Diet, MIND diet, neurons, nuts, ORAC, salmon, Salmon Peperonata, sardines, tuna, whole grains, Wild-caught fishSUPERFOOD RECIPES- EPA/DHA ( Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

This trio of cold-water fish packs a mighty anti-inflammation and brain-power punch to your diet because they contain the superfood gold-standard of Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA/DHA. Two simple picture metaphors can help you understand their importance: EPA/DHA acts as a fire extinguisher for chronic inflammation in your body. Remember that chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s […]
EPA/DHA, jalapeño, kale, polenta, preserved tomato sauce, sardines, wild-caught salmon