I come to you all today with a heavy yet humble heart, asking you to stop and think about what we as a nation have been through this past year, what we are currently facing and what the future can hold for us. Don’t worry, this little blog is not calling out specifically anyone, anything or any […]
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The Tortoise and The Hare Race-Slow But Steady Can Win Your Health Too!

We have some old Bugs Bunny framed animation cels in our house that I happened to pass recently. This is Warner Brother’s parody of the Tortoise and The Hare Race: You know the story: the hare kept bragging about how fast he was so the tortoise finally had enough of his bravado and […]
bible, exercise, grandchildren, grape vines, healthy lifestyle, hungry, Mediterranean Diet, Nutrition, portion control, robustness, stress relievers, The Power of a Praying Woman, thirst, waterTaking Advantage of The “Pause Button” In Our Lives

I want you all to imagine your lives having an imagined “pause” button during this time of quarantine: Here’s a pic of my very busy calendar schedule during quarantine (lol), the only real date was the dogs monthly flea and tick medicine reminder: Even if you are out in the workforce, leaving your house everyday, […]
anxiety, Baby Boomers, bible, BMI, CDC, Cinderella, Covid-19, depression, diabetes, fear, Fitness Blender, granddaughter, Great Depression, Greatest Generation, healthy eating, high blood pressure, junk food, Make America Healthy Again, Mediterranean Diet, mood, Nicole Saphier, Nutrition, obesity, Planetarium, proverb, routine, Sammi Gregory Fitness, stress, Sweaty Betty, trust, ZoomA MOUNTAINTOP EXPERIENCE: Recapturing the Wonder

Have you ever come to that point in your life when you look around and say what is this world all about? You or a loved one might be going through some painful experience in your life (think work, health or personal relations). On the other hand, you might think all the worldly things in […]
apologetics, apologist, bible, Big Bang Theory, environmentalists, evangelism, Fazale Rana, Mountaintop Experience, Ravi Zacharias, RZIM, The Truth, WonderA Graduation in Faith

I’m sitting here, really counting my blessings. Our “baby” of the family graduated from college this past Sunday and already has a “big girl” job lined up: Our other two children have also graduated from college and are doing great things with their careers. All three of our kids have also made terrific […]
bible, OG-GYN, traditional medicine