Question for you today: Is regular daily physical movement a big part of your life? Note that kids don’t even think about it, activity is their oxygen: What happens to us when we get older though? Many of us put our family and life’s obligations before taking care of ourselves, and we […]
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Healthy Lifestyle Mind Adjustment: Courtesy of The Three Little Pigs

So we’ve made it to the post-pandemic era (we hope and pray☺️) and we’re just trying to get back to “normal” whatever normal is for us. Our world will forever be changed with “zoom” conference calls making it unnecessary to meet in person; a large percentage of the work force is now permanently working from […]
calories, carbohydrate, cauliflower hummus, creativity, exercise, fat, health, Matthew 7:24-27, nutritious, pandemic, protein, Psalm 62:5-7, resistance training, sleep, social media, stress relief, The Three Little Pigs, The Word, Twiggy, walkingThe Tortoise and The Hare Race-Slow But Steady Can Win Your Health Too!

We have some old Bugs Bunny framed animation cels in our house that I happened to pass recently. This is Warner Brother’s parody of the Tortoise and The Hare Race: You know the story: the hare kept bragging about how fast he was so the tortoise finally had enough of his bravado and […]
bible, exercise, grandchildren, grape vines, healthy lifestyle, hungry, Mediterranean Diet, Nutrition, portion control, robustness, stress relievers, The Power of a Praying Woman, thirst, waterTime to Re-Think Your Humdrum Workout Routine? Try ACEing It!

Are you one of the millions that has vowed to make working out more of a regular routine in the New Year but you just can’t get yourself “off the couch” so to speak? Are you dreading this promise to yourself? Maybe one of these fits your workout deficits: *Too tough to […]
adaptive, aerobic, age, anti-depressant benefits, balance, BDNF, bicyclists, brain-booster, cardiovascular, cauliflower steaks, challenging, cognitive tests, connections, core strength movement, efficient, exercise, focused, Fountain of Youth, gift, gluttony trap, God, granddaughter, hippocampus, injured, injuries, injury, intentional, Journal of Physiology, memory, metabolic health, mind/body, Monte Cristo, neurons, neuroplasticity, Pelaton, public health crisis, reflexes, Sammi Gregory Fitness, Scientific American, weightliftingMillennial Man’s Guide To Amping Up Your Grey Matter

I am/was honored to speak at the Delta Chi Region IV Regional Leadership Conference, held at Truman University in Kirksville, Missouri. Since we all have brains, not just these great, smart group of guys, here’s a summary for them, and all my readers: Take care of your brain, live long and prosper! The theme is […]
anxiety, depression, exercise, fake foods, gut-health, H.I.I.T., millennials, stress, stressedStar Telomeres: The Next Generation of Health Markers

There was something exciting and magical about the television series Star Trek. It pushed forward the premise that humans are really mere infants when it comes to discovering what delightful secrets our universe has yet to be uncovered with it’s signature mantra “To Boldly Go Where No Man has Gone Before”: We are in […]
cognitive behavior therapy, exercise, inflammation, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, star trek, telomeres“Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…”

I didn’t wake up this morning thinking I’d write about anything remotely political. And, as you will see, this isn’t, for it’s just a call to personal responsibility. The political dust after this election will take time to settle, but settle it will, for all the name calling will eventually be forgotten. And in it’s […]
ACA, ancient grains, baklava, carbohydrates, Dr. Donald Berwick, exercise, healthy lifestyle, John F. Kennedy, Legumes, movement, Nutrition, sleep, vegetables, yogaFall is the Best Season to Recharge Your Health!

Every fall for me is truly a new opportunity to improve every aspect of my life! It must go back to those days of excitement as a student, starting a new grade in school, and then reliving those days when my kids started school, starting with a new beginning each time. Add to that the […]
berries, Brussels Sprouts, coconut milk, cruciferous vegetables, exercise, fall, grass-fed beef, inflammation, wild-caught salmonStrategies For Changing Health Into A Habit

You know by the date of this blog that New Year’s Day was only three weeks ago. Were you one of the many that made a resolution to change your ways to start eating healthfully and exercise regularly? How are you doing today with that resolution? If you aren’t very happy with your willpower […]
exercise, habit, healthy, wellnessSurgical Recovery: “Yes Virginia, You Could Have Surgery One Day Too!”

I truly have been blessed in my life. I’ve never had a hospital stay, except for the birth of our three kids. I’ve been very healthy, leading an active lifestyle with no problems in sight. I’ve loved to exercise (especially running) since I was eighteen, ramping it up at the age of 40 to regularly […]
exercise, mental, recovery, surgery