Question for you today: Is regular daily physical movement a big part of your life? Note that kids don’t even think about it, activity is their oxygen: What happens to us when we get older though? Many of us put our family and life’s obligations before taking care of ourselves, and we […]
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Strategies for the Covid-19 Chess Game Through The Holidays and Beyond!

How are you faring at this moment with the holidays now upon us in this global pandemic? Do you feel like every aspect of your lives have been upended with months of the same to look forward to? All of our normal routines have been transformed; any types of shopping, from the gas station to […]
1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, checkmate, chess, Covid-19, Dr. Benjamin TenOever, Dr. Ken Remy, Friluftsliv, grace, Healthy U, Joey Miller, joy, masks, movement, Nutrition, parchment packet, parchment packet tuna, Quercetin, Randy Tobler Radio Show, resistance training, stress response, thankfulness, turmeric, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, weight liftingCore Strategies For Practical Wellness!

I have a very “out of the box” inspiration for this text you are going to view, and here it is: This is a core of a cauliflower. We’ll call it the C core. You will not believe this but I have a mouthwatering recipe for cauliflower soup (you will see it at […], cauliflower core, cauliflower soup, confident, core muscles, Down Dog Abs, inner core muscles, Lightened Cauliflower Soup, MACA, Midwest Ambassadors for the Culinary Arts, Plank, posture, proper sitting alignment, resistance exercise, Russian Twist,, Seated Leg Scissor, weight liftingHome Sprinkled With Health For The Holidays

I know it’s December 10th, just 2 weeks before Christmas Eve and I shouldn’t really even take the time to write this blog to you because I’m REALLY behind this year! Randy and I are celebrating Christmas early this year (this weekend) with our kids and I don’t really have a clue what they all […]
cardio, Christmas, ghrelin, God, gratitude, healthy, holiday binges, holidays, leptin, sleep, stress, weight liftingFall Forward With Good Health This Year When You Fall Back in Time

I just can’t help myself when the season of autumn appears on the scene. Cooler days and kaleidoscope colored leaves are here: Not to mention that bonfire and pumpkin scented candle smoke wafts in the air. I am always on the lookout for pumpkin pie-spiced anything this time of year! In fact, my husband, […]
5HTP, aerobics, Blue Zones, cold weather blues, fall health, Fitnesspal, holiday weight gain, hydration, macronutrients, macros, massage, serotonin, SSRIs, strength training, tryptophan, weight liftingTime To Think About A New You?

Are you happy with where you are right now with your health, lifestyle and even the way you look? I am celebrating my 60thbirthday this year (little secret, Randy is too), so my priorities have definitely changed! One of my main concerns as a young adult all the way through to motherhood was to feel I […]
aerobic exercise, IIFYM, macronutrient diet, macros, resistance training, Superfoods, weight liftingPlanting Your Tree of Life For the New Year

Are you in full swing for the New Year already? I’ll be honest, I’m a little on the slow side in taking down our Christmas tree; This live Christmas tree and it’s ornaments representing our life’s journey… The year Randy and I were married: Our goofy family Christmas cards (“Silo Knight”): The […]
culinary arts, electric cars, facebook post, Holly Butcher, self-driving cars, stresses, weight lifting, worried