What is the deal with the term SUPERFOODS? If you eat them can you leap tall buildings with a single bound? Or, does your brain have special powers, and you can actually read other people’s minds? Actually, the definition, per the Oxford dictionary is somewhat wishy-washy: a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially […]
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This trio of cold-water fish packs a mighty anti-inflammation and brain-power punch to your diet because they contain the superfood gold-standard of Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA/DHA. Two simple picture metaphors can help you understand their importance: EPA/DHA acts as a fire extinguisher for chronic inflammation in your body. Remember that chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s […]
EPA/DHA, jalapeño, kale, polenta, preserved tomato sauce, sardines, wild-caught salmonSUPERFOOD RECIPES- Allium Vegetables
I always think of Rodney Dangerfield when I think of the Allium Family of Vegetables, comprised of onions, garlic, leeks, shallots, green onions and chives. His famous saying “I don’t get no respect” resonates with this clan because they truly possess a powerhouse of health qualities AND taste, but they usually remain in the […]
beets, cauliflower, garlic, grass-fed butter, leeks, red onions, roasted shrimp, shallotsSUPERFOOD RECIPES- Gut Health Foods
Korean Kimchi would be in the category of a “super-duper” health food. Not only are the ingredients all cancer and heart disease fighters, i.e. cabbage, green onions, onions and garlic but because it is a fermented food it also boosts your immune system by inoculating your gut with good bacteria. It is estimated that your gut is greater than […]
cabbage, ferment, fish sauce, grain, green onions, kimchi, Korean Chile powder, legumeSUPERFOOD RECIPES-Sweet Endings with Berries
Berries are the go-to fruits for dieting because their sugar count is relatively low with a high fiber count. They all contain anthocyanins, water soluble plant pigments which are responsible for their deep, vibrant colors of red, blue and purple. Those colors are also indicators of the star status they have relating to their high […]
blueberry, buttermilk, panna cottaSUPERFOOD RECIPES-Cruciferous Vegetables
So what do you think of when you hear the word CANCER? I personally think of these cancer cells without boundaries: Okay, now we know what the enemy looks like. How do we fight it? One way to fight it is with the ally of a family that can make a difference, the CRUCIFEROUS FAMILY. […]
bok choy, Brussels Sprouts, caesar salad, Chinese Five-Spice, fish sauce, freekah, kale, swiss chardSUPERFOOD RECIPES- Superfood/Comfort Food
I know, the traditional comfort foods are usually what you think of when you truly want a little comfort from the big ol’ bad world we live in. Traditional comfort foods meaning lots of buttery or fried refined carbs, fried and breaded meats and maybe throw in a starchy vegetable, i.e. corn. Do I have […]
Brussels Sprouts, freekah, garlic, grass-fed butter, onion, red pepper, shallot, wild-caught salmonSUPERFOOD RECIPES-Whole Grains and Legumes
Whole grains and legumes should be an important part of the majority of your meals. Not only do they offer you important B vitamins and magnesium (legumes) but their fiber and protein punch over white flour products and rice leaves you with that satiated feeling after a meal that keeps you from coming back for […]
Chimichurri, Chinese Five-Spice, coconut oil, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, freekah, garlic, grass-fed burgers, pork, porridge, port, quinoa, tilapia, VietnameseCore Strategies For Practical Wellness!
I have a very “out of the box” inspiration for this text you are going to view, and here it is: This is a core of a cauliflower. We’ll call it the C core. You will not believe this but I have a mouthwatering recipe for cauliflower soup (you will see it at […]
bodybuilding.com, cauliflower core, cauliflower soup, confident, core muscles, Down Dog Abs, inner core muscles, Lightened Cauliflower Soup, MACA, Midwest Ambassadors for the Culinary Arts, Plank, posture, proper sitting alignment, resistance exercise, Russian Twist, sammigregoryfitness.com, Seated Leg Scissor, weight liftingTransform “What’s For Dinner?” into “CAN’T WAIT FOR DINNER!”
Is the universal statement “What’s For Dinner?” striking almost daily terror into the heart of your busy schedule? Plus add to that your daily goal of putting together a healthy meal for you and your loved ones. Let’s even pile on further by pointing out the major inconvenience of unending days of unpredictably bad winter weather. This is […]
allium vegetables, berries, body composition, cruciferous vegetables, EPA/DHA Omega 3 Fatty Acids, epigenetics, flavor boosters, gut health foods, MyFitnessPal, nutrigenomics, Superfoods, whole grains and legumes